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Find the answers to common questions about Feng Shui, what happens in consultations, and what you can expect after your own session.
What is Feng Shui?Feng shui [pronounced fung schway] is for everyone. The foundation of Feng Shui is that everything is alive, everything is connected, and everything is always changing. It’s about how you live, work, and play. Whether you are young or old, lead a simple or extravagant lifestyle, are a homemaker or professional, live in a big house or small apartment -- or favor a traditional, contemporary, or eclectic style -- the benefits you’ll reap from bringing feng shui into your life are huge and many. This ancient art of placement helps you to arrange your home, office, indoor, and outdoor environments so that your life is harmonious, and your dreams are realized to their fullest.
What happens during my in-person Feng Shui consultation?We will begin in the comfort of your home or office to gather information and talk about your personal goals. Together, we will tour your entire space, taking it in through "Feng Shui eyes." During the tour, we will focus on questions designed to address your individual concerns and intentions. I will then explain my findings and recommend adjustments to your environment that will improve the flow of Ch'i, thereby enhancing your life.
What is the Bagua?There are specific, diagnostic tools that I use. One of these is the Bagua Map — a holistic template for your life that includes 9 specific areas. Another is the explanation and understanding of the Five Elements that make up our world: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of these is dynamic and creates value when balanced. A third is the Yin and the Yang energies. The Yin energy is quiet, dark, deep, fertile, and serene. It is the female influence. The Yang energy is white, hot, loud, edgy, and bold. It is the male influence. Both are within our environments and within us. Both energies are vital and balancing them is essential.
What results will I feel after implementing the suggested changes and shifts?Actively bringing in Feng Shui to your surroundings will help you feel more grounded, more peaceful, and overall, more balanced. Working with Feng shui incorporates all aspects of your life. Making subtle changes that shift the energy or that brings in or highlights beauty, naturally has a positive impact on all that inhabit the space.
How do I get started?The first step is - clear major clutter. Feng Shui can not be applied when there is more than "normal" clutter. Once you've cleared your clutter, you're ready to book a consultation call!
What type of consultations do you offer?Feng Shui Consultation-Overview of the Bagua, How to Use it, and Whole House Feng Shui Plan Feng Shui Design Advice-Paint Selection, Decorative Accessories, Furniture Layout, & Room Design Bagua Floorplan Readings via Zoom Pre-Home Purchase Consultation Pre-Renovation Consultation De-cluttering Assistance and Coaching Business Consultations Home Staging for Real Estate Sales Space Clearing Home Blessings Energetic Home Tune-Ups
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